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Online Leak Sealing

24/7 emergency response to provide technical support



We provide a full range of online leak sealing solutions and can recommend the most suitable application for your specific needs.

Our comprehensive approach covering emergency response, safety management, on-site assessments, engineering, fabrication and installation puts a stop to all leaks, whilst allowing you to operate as normal, and delivers significant savings in the process.

After our emergency response teams quickly assess the situation, we design, fabricate and install the appropriate solution online to arrest the leak while you continue to operate normally until a convenient time in the future when you can either properly repair or replace the leaking item. Where practical to do so, we use Diamond wrapping to restore dented, gouged, corroded or eroded pipelines to their MAOP (Maximum Allowable Operating Pressure) and prevent them from shutting down.

Detailed surveys to assess the situation and advise how best to stop the leak. 24/7 emergency response to provide technical support for any type of leak.