Experienced at providing total plant maintenance services

We are vastly experienced at providing total plant maintenance services across the asset-intensive industries, with in-depth knowledge and solutions to deal with the planned and unplanned issues that can occur.
We have the processes, systems, advanced equipment and trained specialists to cope with all types of planned maintenance (PM), corrective work, pit stops, shutdowns, minor upgrades revamps and emergencies to ensure each task is planned and executed with a maximum focus on safety, whilst eliminating interface issues and minimizing cost.
We deliver your planned maintenance routines on time and on budget through our multi-disciplinary approach and project management capability, leading to significantly fewer maintenance staff on site and minimal repeat work. Unplanned or emergent work is quickly scheduled, resourced, and actioned, ensuring back-logs are maintained at manageable levels.
Our multi-skilled workers along with advanced systems and superior technology, deliver significant returns and continuous improvements in process safety, reliability, and equipment effectiveness.